February 8 & 15 – Lesson 5 part 1 and 2 – Science

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 4.24.19 PMIn this, our fifth worldview tour, we head northwest, enter the cavern of nature, gaze upon the jewels of creation, and establish yet another important pillar in the Temple of Truth: science. In the process, we discover that whereas “the heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1)—so that the Creator’s “invisible attributes are clearly seen” (Romans 1:20)—mankind has nevertheless chosen to ignore the obvious truth, twisting scientific investigation into a vehicle for propagating a godless philosophy of human independence and self-determination.

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Lesson 5 Study Guide

January 25th – Lesson 4 – Theology

Screen Shot 2015-01-25 at 3.21.09 PMHaving explored the concept of truth and examined the biblical view of human nature— two basic issues that had to be settled before we could move on to the present discussion— Dr. Tackett now takes us to the eastern point of the compass. Here he proceeds to lay the third and most important foundation of our “Truth Temple”: theology, the branch of study and investigation that grapples with the question, “Who is God?” Knowing God, he argues, ought to be our passion and our highest goal. For until we look upon His face, we cannot rightly know ourselves or begin to grasp the meaning of our existence in the world.

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Lesson 4 Study Guide

January 11th – Lesson 3 – Anthropology

Screen Shot 2015-01-18 at 3.02.39 PMLesson 3 takes us into the western regions of the compass, where we engage in an in- depth examination of biblical and contemporary ideas about the nature of the human race. The focus of the discussion is anthropology: Who is man? Where did he come from? What is the meaning and purpose of his existence? In the course of this study, Dr. Tackett demonstrates that the answers we bring to these questions have a direct bearing on our approach to another pressing problem, one of the thorniest and most challenging of all— Why is there evil in the world?

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Lesson 3 Study Guide

January 11th – Lesson 2 – Philosophy and Ethics

Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 4.51.12 PMIn this second installment of our worldview tour, Dr. Tackett takes students into the northeast quadrant of the compass for an introduction to philosophy and ethics, the two outside pillars of our Temple of Truth or framework of foundational concepts. In essence, the message of this lesson parallels the precept of Proverbs 23:7—“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” There is a formal and vital connection between our ideas about the nature of the world (philosophy) and our understanding of right and wrong behavior (ethics).

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Lesson 2 Study Guide

January 4th – Lesson 1 – Veritology

Screen-Shot-2015-01-02-at-2.26.10-PM-300x201In this initial episode, students receive a general introduction to the overall scope and purpose of The Truth Project. This series is designed to take participants on a guided worldview tour, following the points of the worldview compass, a tool designed to direct our thinking with regard to four fundamental issues: Truth, God, Man, and the Social Order. Along the way, we will attempt to build a logical, systematic framework of ideas by which to organize and evaluate the various truth claims to be encountered during the course of our tour. Our ultimate goal is not simply to gain knowledge, but to look upon the face of God – and to be transformed in the process.

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Lesson 1 Study Guide